Completed in 2012, “Robot Explorers” in 3D is a full-dome planetarium show featuring a score written and produced by Geoff Koch, now in syndication to planetariums worldwide. Near the end of the 20th century, we began launching unmanned probes into the far reaches of the solar system. What they discovered was amazing and in some cases unexpected. Now after dozens of probes have been deployed, the exploration continues.
MUSIC REQUEST: Crate a score that proudly pays tribute to the people who designed these robotic explorers. But exploring the solar system and beyond is a solitary mission, so the themes needed to convey an element loneliness. I created a “romantic” score that leans toward the orchestral side while incorporating some “retro” musical elements that harken to the 1970’s when many of these probes were created.
Narrated by Brent Spiner (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Independence Day)
Listen to music from the show here: