Having completed the score for this full-dome planetarium show in 2011, Lamps of Atlantis is now in syndication to planetariums around the world. The show explores the search for the lost continent of Atlantis, taking viewers on a journey through the astronomical knowledge and understanding of the ancient Greeks. How did the constellations get their names? What different patterns did ancient cultures see in the sky? Was Atlantis a real place? Did it really sink into the sea? Lamps of Atlantis will uncover clues to help us solve this age-old mystery.
MUSIC REQUEST: Provide a grand score combining modern orchestral and synthesized elements with ancient instruments. But while grand, the musical themes had to be forlorn and melancholy, reflecting the tragic story of an extraordinary culture forever lost and relegated to the realm of folklore.
Narrated by Terry O’Quinn (John Locke on “Lost”).